2023-24 15s-18s Summer Tryouts – REGISTER NOW!!!
NEW FOR 2024:
The Keystone Region of USA Volleyball has changed the tryout window for 15s-18s for the 2023-24 season from November now to July. More info HERE.
This means that our new tryout period for the 2024 season will begin July 21. We are looking to fill all of our 15s-18s club spots at the Summer Tryouts, and are no longer planning on holding tryouts in November.
Registration is now open for the 15s-18s Tryouts.
14s-12s Tryouts will still be in the Fall and will be held October 21-24, 2023.
It is STRONGLY encouraged that you attend the Summer Tryouts.
If you are not able to make the Summer Tryouts, please email tryouts@p3rvbc.com
Email offers to join the club begin going out on Wednesday, July 26 at 7:00pm.
We are excited to begin our best year yet in training the best youth volleyball players in the Pittsburgh area, with the best coaching staff, the newest volleyball training gym in the area, and even more new features for the upcoming season. Situated in our wonderful new home, the #P3RFamily will have a sole destination for all things volleyball making it a one-stop-shop for the most comprehensive volleyball training in the region. This is the year to get on-board with P3R to take your game to the #NextLevel. Sign up for these limited tryouts now!
We are offering multiple tryout groupings for most age groups to limit the number of athletes that will be trying out at the same time. Each tryout grouping will be on different days and times to better suit various schedules. NEW FOR 2023: There will be only ONE TRYOUT for each group. Session numbers are limited, so please register early before your session fills up!
And of course, all tryouts and practices will be held at our home, the P3R Volleyball Training Gym!
To register, please follow the following steps:
1) KRVA/USAV Registration: According to the Keystone Region Bylaws, a valid individual USAV registration MUST be obtained BEFORE participating in ANY tryout. USAV registration is now through SportsEngine. If you already have a full 2023 membership, that membership is valid through August 31 and may be used for the 2023 Summer Tryouts. You must show your valid membership card on a phone or tablet at tryouts.
If you do not have a 2023 membership, beginning July 1, you must obtain a $15 Tryout Membership.
Go to KRVA Registration Page to apply for the $15 tryout membership. USAV registration may be paid directly by credit card on the website. Sports engine does not accept American Express. Once registration is complete, you must access your membership card and bring it with you to check-in at tryouts. You can save the membership card to you phone’s wallet to show at tryouts. The new membership number must be entered on the registration page. Click HERE to complete your USAV registration. Click HERE for more info on using SportsEngine.
2) Tryout Registration: All player registration will be submitted online through LeagueApps. All P3R participants must register for their tryout sessions through our new registration website powered by LeagueApps. All tryout, open gym, clinic and camp registrations, and all tuition payments will be done through this account.
Due to safety limitations and size restrictions, we are limiting the number of players allowed to tryout in each session. Therefore we have created multiple tryout sessions at most age levels. And since space is limited, players must register for their tryout times through our new registration website powered by LeagueApps HERE. The $50 tryout fee will be collected here while signing up for your tryout time.
There will NOT be “walk-in” registration available.
3) Day of Tryouts: The registration table will be open 30 minutes prior to the start of each tryout session. (Do NOT arrive any earlier.) You must show a copy of your updated SportsEngine KRVA/USAV Membership Card on a phone or tablet. All payments and registration should have already been submitted online. There are no walk-up registrations! You will check in with your membership card and receive your tryout number. One parent may accompany their players to the registration table if they wish and assist with check-in and pinning tryout numbers. Due to size limits, parents are not able to enter the gym nor stay to watch tryouts. Parking will be available in the rear of the building. (Please do NOT park in front of the building. Drop-off only!)
Age Definitions: The simplest way to figure out a player’s age group limit is this: What age will your daughter be on 6/30/2024? (As in the end of next June.) Click HERE to view the 2023/2024 USA Volleyball Age Definitions chart. They may always be able to play in an age group older that their age range. Players younger than their peer group (grade) are encouraged to tryout at the older age groups with their grade level peers. High school Juniors (11th Grade) that turn 18 by June 30, 2024 are able to tryout and play at the 17 & Under age level.
18/17 & Under:
(12th & 11th Grade (or younger) with birthdates 6/30/07 or older)
Fri 7/21 – 6:30pm-9:30pm
16 & Under:
(10th Grade (or younger) with birthdates 7/1/07 or younger)
Group A:
Sat 7/22 – 1:00pm-4:00pm
Group B:
15 & Under:
(9th Grade (or younger) with birthdates 7/1/08 or younger)
Group A:
Sat 7/22 – 9:00am-Noon
Group B:
Sun 7/23 – 1:00pm-4:00pm
More information on registration (including age definitions) can be found on our Registration page. Register NOW for Tryouts Online HERE!!!
*-(P3R does not offer age waivers. Players must tryout with their age group based on their birth date or higher.)